Peridot, also known as the “stone of happiness,” is the birthstone of August. It symbolizes the harmony between husband and wife. And with luscious and soft grass green, it makes people feel comfort and happiness. In ancient times, some tribes often exchanged it as a token of peace in case of war.

What Is Peridot?
- Peridot refers to gem-quality olivine with fascinating yellow-green color. Its main component includes iron and magnesium and the color comes from iron (Fe). The depth of green depends on the iron containing in the crystal structure.
- The word Peridot is from the Latin word “faridad” which means gem, and another is from the Greek word “peridona” which means abundant gifts.
- The world-famous origins of high-quality peridot are St. John’s Island and Zabargad Island in Egypt.
- Peridots are easily available because people find it in most parts of the world and there are many mines of this gem.
Lore And Legend
- In Hawaiian legends, it is the tears shed by the volcanic goddess Pele. The Bible also records that the 12 gems dotted on the breastplates of the high priests represent the 12 tribes of Israel, one of which is peridot.
- Before 1500, when Europeans had not yet been exposed to emeralds. Peridot was an essential green gemstone in the world. Many jewels unearthed in ancient tombs in Egypt and Rome were inlaid with peridot. It was used as jewelry for sacrifices at that time. And when wars broke out between some tribes, they often exchanged peridots to express their wishes for peace.
Symbolism And Significance
- It symbolizes love, truth, and loyalty.
- This gemstone brings good luck, wealth and peace.
- It is helpful to calm down, keep away from jealousy.
- It is also the Wedding anniversary gemstone for the 16th year of marriage.