SHE·SAID·YES’s official blog opened today!
We have fully upgraded the EDUCATION section to cover richer content and now invite you to explore together.

First Section of Blog – Education
This section can be divided into two parts: Explore Your Birthstone and Secrets of Gemstones. It aims at helping our customers getting know more bits of knowledge of jewelry. Now follow me to explore what these exactly are.
Explore your birthstone
It is a romantic gift for your loved one, and there are countless myths about the birthstone. This section provides you with detailed information about the symbolism and significance of birthstones before you buy birthstone jewelry.
Secrets of gemstones
As a considerable blog, it’s a wonderful journey for you to explore gemstones by gemological facts and lore. Each introduction page features an overview, origin, history, quality factors, and care instructions.
Number Two – For Her Ideal Wedding
In this blog, we will provide wedding inspirations for you. Sometimes are bits of wedding knowledge, good suggestions are also shown here.
Part Three – Yes Style
In order to bring convenience to our blog fans, we make a list of comparisons on different styles. Besides, we will change the theme according to the trend and season. If you would like to get more excellent ideas. You could never miss this section.
Whether you are first-timers, fellow gemstone fans, or jewelry newbies, you can find the information you want here. We hope you can learn more about the mystery of gems while getting a good shopping experience. This space is designed for talking freely, you decide what topic you want to talk about, and we’ll make it happen. Please leave your ideas! Follow us, all the information trends about SHE·SAID·YES, everything that SHE·SAID·YES can bring to you, I will tell you!