When talked about the vintage look, does the sight of Audrey Hepburn’s iconic black dress flash from your eyes? Or you are still stunning about the look of Marilyn Monroe’s blonde and sexy lip! Nowadays, modern fashionistas are inspired by these classic styles and would like to follow this retro elegance trend to express their personality. So what are the essential elements to create a trendy vintage look? Join to read:

1. Choose vintage pieces
Make sure that the pieces you choose are authentically vintage. If any pieces are not in this style, they will undermine the overall look. Therefore, someone will pick those “fake” vintage one instead. But nothing can be comparable to thrift stores for finding affordable vintage pieces. You can enjoy hanging out and feel satisfied when you succeed in finding authentic pieces.

2. Add some modernity
Enlightening your vintage look with subtle modern sense completes your outfit a contemporary one. Just pick one or two vintage pieces to attract attention. And also you can add some accessories with the understated appeal or a pair of in-style sunglasses to create a timeless trendy look.

3. Keep your hair and makeup modern
Do not forget to style your hair and makeup in a modern way. Someone may pay too much attention to the authenticity of their look. But time could not bring you back to the 1940s just for wearing vintage attires. It needs to match with appropriate hair and makeup. Wear your hair down, and fill in your brows and make them quite thick. Save the bright red lipstick to show the style of that period.

4. To be simple
Prevent your vintage look from putting too many complicated elements in outfits. Many separate pieces may confuse the overall visual effect, they are so inharmonious that you look out of place. An amazing look needs a single quality vintage piece to be the focus. Less is more also applies to create a vintage look.
The vintage look has been the mainstream fashion trend in recent years. Since you have grasped the key to create a trendy vintage look, come to SHE·SAID·YES and pick some accessories to enlighten your outfits. We have an exquisite selection of jewelry, including rings, earrings, bracelets, and necklaces. Whether for daily wear or matching your vintage outfits, you will find the ideal one-kind-of jewelry here.