Brilliantly-colored gemstones are not only the treasure of the natural earth but also the witness of the important occasions of men. Hiding the profound meaning and good wishes inside, this precious gift secretly conveys your affection and obsession and is the perfect gift to commemorate the romantic relationship of human beings. If you want to know more about anniversary gems, start with SHE·SAID·YES right now!
16th Anniversary Gemstone: Peridot

Peridot, the August birthstone, has been prized as a jewelry stone since ancient times. Called chrysolite sometimes, it forms part of the olivine group of minerals. However, it always showcases various shades of green. Depending on its iron concentrations, it could appear from lighter, grassy greens to a deep yellowish-green transparent olivine. Mohs scale 6.5-7. Peridot is one of the few gemstones that occur in only one color. Given its resemblance to the color of money in old times, people often associated it with prosperity and good fortune. Therefore, it’s the best anniversary gemstone gift to commemorate the 16th wedding.
17th Anniversary Gem: Carnelian

Carnelian is a brownish-red mineral commonly and a semi-precious gemstone for decoration and jewelry millennia. It’s the best-known and regularly least expensive variety of chalcedony. Like the peridot, its unique bloody red color also originates from iron oxide impurities. From yellow-orange, near reddish-orange, and orangey brown to intense almost-black coloration, it also varies from semi-opaque to highly translucent. Carnelian conveys the good wishes of health, luck, and royalty and will be the perfect 17th-anniversary gift for your partner.
18th Anniversary Gemstone: Cat’s Eye

In the field of gemstones, “cat’s eye” could refer to many different sorts of minerals that can present a cat’s eye effect. However, when “cat’s eye” is used alone, it always refers to the rare gemstone chrysoberyl. More precisely, it’s a precious and high-quality variety of Chrysoberyl. This unique Chrysoberyl variety appears a fine pale green to a slightly yellow shade with a different degree of transparency. Plus, it exhibits good chatoyancy or opalescence that reminds one of the eyes of a cat. A long-time favorite with customers, it’s reasonable for celebrating the 18th anniversary.
19th Anniversary Gem: Aquamarine

Belonging to the beryl family, Aquamarine, the striking March birthstone is named after the color of seawater. Used as a gemstone for jewelry or ornament, it’s a transparent, high-quality specimen of the mineral beryl within a color range of greenish-blue to blue. Consistently embodies the sea, Aquamarine can have various blue hues, from a very light, almost imperceptible color to stones with a rich, vibrant color. Also, western people associated it with marine culture because of the sea. They believed that this cherished gemstone could protect sailors and travelers from accidents.
20th Anniversary Gemstone: Emerald

Emerald is a dark green variety of beryl minerals and has been synonymous with the color green since ancient times. It is a gemstone and a variety of mineral beryl that is green due to traces of chromium or vanadium. This member of the beryl family is one of the traditional “Big Four” gems, along with diamonds, rubies, and sapphires. Known as “The Jewel of Kings,” the May birthstone Emerald symbolizes not only royalty but also wit, eloquence, and foresight. And the nobilities and dignitaries worldwide have appreciated it since ancient times.