Who first comes to this world below In dreary November’s fog and snow, Should prize the topaz amber hue, Emblem of friends and lovers true.
Like many precious stones, topaz is a magical stone from the Topazios Island in the Red Sea. It has a special appreciation due to its bright color. Hope this bright yellow topaz as the sun can warm you born in November. Follow to acquire more information about topaz and its symbolism:

What is Topaz?
- Topaz is a rare silicate mineral of aluminum and fluorine. It occurs in a wide range of natural colors, but most topaz is colorless. And it ranks number eight on the Mohs Hardness Scale.
- The word Topaz originates from Topazios, a small island in the Red sea, which means “hard to find.” Thus, Romans obtained a stone which they called by this name.
- We can find topaz worldwide, with Brazil being the world’s most vital source of these gemstones. Other countries that produce topaz include Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Australia, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Myanmar, Russia, Zimbabwe, the United States, etc.
- A variety known as “imperial topaz” is especially valuable because people appreciate its fancy colors from reddish-orange to orangy red. Most of the world’s imperial topaz is found in Brazil.
Lore and legend about topaz
- In mythology, an Egyptian princess was exiled to the tiny island in the Red Sea-Topazios after she was caught attempting to assassinate the supreme Pharaoh. This island is hard to find and reach because this it surrounds in mist all year round. But the Princess impressed the residents with her kindness and justice. The elderly island owner believed that she was a messenger from the gods, and gifted her a golden stone shining like the sun. And this stone was topaz.
- In India, it’s well-known that wearing topaz above the heart would guarantee a long life, beauty and intelligence. And in the modern era, topaz and diamonds embelish many royal jewels, which began in France and Spain in the 18th century. In the early 19th century, a new trend of topaz jewelry led the wave in France and England. Many royal families and aristocrats take pride in inlaid with topaz. By the Victorian era, topaz has reached its peak in popularity.
Symbolism and significance of yellow topaz
- Yellow topaz symbolizes constancy, loyalty, and friendship.
- It assists in recognizing your abilities and instills a drive toward recognition and attracts helpful people.
- It is beneficial for nervous exhaustion and insufficient combustion of nutrients.