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5 posts
Explore the Gemstones for Protection While Traveling II

When we talk about gemstones, we usually notice their beautiful appearance first. Maybe rarely will we explore their other properties. What if gemstones plus travel? How can these gemstones help…
Find Out Your Favorite December Birthstones

December ends the year and gives birth to new life for the next; those born in December are blessed to share the beauty of these stunning blue birthstones. Turquoise, Zircon,…
Explore The Wedding Precious Anniversary Gemstones Ⅲ

Celebrate your special wedding anniversary with unique anniversary gemstones from now on. Follow these unique treasures to savor the sweet bliss. 11th Anniversary Gemstone: Turquoise Turquoise is one of the…
The Secrets of Dreamy Blue Gemstones

If you're frenetic about dreamy blue gemstone and pursue jewelry in a variety of shades of blue to adorn your attire, then SHE·SAID·YES would meet all your demands with this…